Notas detalhadas sobre jair Bolsonaro

“”A teenager can rape and kill 200 people and he is still not treated like a criminal in Brazil. Most minors know that if they are going to commit a robbery, it is better to kill the victim as there is less chance of being caught, and if they are, the punishment will be the same.

Even some admirers distance themselves from what they call Carvalho’s "excesses," and say his ideas are tempered by more pragmatic figures, especially the retired generals Bolsonaro has appointed to his cabinet.

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Previamente do caer la noche ya eran una multitud envuelta en banderas por Brasil, qual festejaba a rabiar el triunfo del exmilitar al conocer los fins de boca de urna.

Este ex-presidente do Brasil Lula da Silva e seu filho dispensaram metade das testemunhas qual eles próprios indicaram num processo Acerca tráfico de influências qual está a ser julgado.

El ecuatoriano Richard Carapaz hizo historia al convertirse en el primero por su país en lograr una gran vuelta. "Se trata do un sentimiento único".

1177/1742766518818870. Bolsonaro’s media capital is nurtured by a combination of hate speech and political incivility. His repertoire also entails the defence of the South American dictatorships in the 1980s and 1990s and their ‘government methods’ of torture and murdering. 

Mundo Sanders logra un ajustado triunfo en New Hampshire, a 4.000 votos de Buttigieg Tribunal Supremo Sociedad El TS se opone a que un policía recupere su placa tras colaborar con una mafia El Supremo ha desestimado el recurso del exagente contra la denegación por el Consejo do Ministros por 2017 por su rehabilitación saiba como funcionario. 08.02.2020 Economía 'Varapalo' del TS a la empresa: pelo puede limitar de maneira unilateral las vacaciones Falla a favor de un grupo de trabajadores fijos discontinuos de Valoriza presidente Bolsonaro Faculties, qual presentan sus servicios a la Universidad de Málaga. 04.02.2020 España El TS anula una cláusula suelo de que un Cafifa ejecutivo suscribió con el Banco Popular "Nos encontramos ante un éxito judicial determinante en la defensa do los derechos do los consumidores afectados". 31.01.2020 España Torrent confirma la inhabilitación de Torra: "No podemos contar sus votos" El president del Parlament ha constatado que el president del Govern ha dejado por ser diputado y ha añadido que trabajarán para revertir la... 27.01.2020 Cataluña El Govern carga otra vez contra la JEC tras el apoyo del Supremo en el 'caso Torra' Meritxell Budó ha asegurado Supremo Tribunal asegurado de que la Junta Electoral Central "no tiene competencias" para decidir A cerca de la inhabilitación del president.

It washed ashore in early September, thick globs of oil that appeared from out of nowhere and defied explanation. In the weeks since, the mysterious sludge, the largest spill in Brazil’s history, has tarred more than 1,000 miles of shoreline, polluted some of the country’s most beautiful beaches and killed all sorts of marine life.

Em 17 por abril do 2016, Jair Bolsonaro parabenizou este deputado Eduardo Cunha através MANEIRA saiba Política no Brasil como conduziu este impeachment de Dilma Rousseff e usou seu discurso por voto A cerca de este impedimento de modo a homenagear Carlos Alberto Brilhante Ustra,[25] o primeiro militar a ser reconhecido pela Justiça saiba como um Destes torturadores em a ditadura militar.

When I pointed out that shoot-first security policies have rarely produced lasting positive results in Latin America, Carvalho cited several false or highly dubious claims. He said “thousands and thousands of Islamic agents are coming in through the Amazon,” and blamed the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) for being a main source of illegal arms in Brazil (the FARC signed a peace deal in 2016).

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